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Spectrum Analyzer Home Page
Spectrum Analyzer is a program for optical spectra display, recognition and analysis, working on Microsoft Windows. It has been developed at Department of Physical Electronics of Faculty of Science of Masaryk University in Brno. The program is most useful for atomic spectroscopy. If you search program for molecular spectra analysis, you can try massiveOES.

Program Spectrum Analyzer.
New Features and Changes in Version 1.97
- Database was updated with NIST 5.1 database. It contains also ions II-IV and also f-block elements.
New Features and Changes in Version 1.7
- Window for line labeling shows the whole description of line.
- Views into the working database are now more friendly for browsing, they are now updated immediately after the database change.
- Program works with Avantes trt and ttt files.
- Automatic determination of intensities of atomic lines labeled in plot or in the temperature template.
- Other database files (N2r, N2u, O2r, O2u) were added into molecular database. Some old files were renamed.
- Einstein coefficient A for 640 nm transition was corrected (mistake of NIST).
- Intensity factors for molecular transitions are taken as Honl-London factors.
- Label format of vertical axis was changed to display also smaller values, the same for OnMouseMove event.
- Searching of the background for determination of line intesity was modified. Now the curve next to peak needn't be monotone, only the points
must have higher intensity to stop searching the background.
- Peaks described in template may be searched in the plot by two ways (switch Search Wavelength Kind box in Analysis sheet of Options window):
- acc. to measured wavelength, good for analysis of many files measured during one "session"
- acc. to corrected wavelength, the spectrum must be corrected first, good for using the tempate for measurement with different spectrometer, grating, session etc.
- Solution of FHR 1000 bug - files are sometimes saved with decreasing wls: Msp and txt files can be sorted before opening. CheckBox
SortDataInMspFiles was added in Options window (Import sheet).
- Reports window is now scrolled to the end of message.
- Change of handling corrections files: now the paths of datafile template type in wavelength.ini and intensity.ini are relative to path,
written in analyzer.ini file [file] Corrections item.
- Plot Unzoom action was rewritten.
- Zero energy level was enabled in molecular temperature calculations.
- Unix text files may be opened as a background spectrum, too.
- Cool Bar contains only two bands now to be more comfortable in Linux.
New Features in Version 1.6
- Automatic generation of the second and third spectral order of database lines!
- Molecular bands in plot are labelled with vibrational numbers and other information (branch, J number etc.), too!
- Fixed Unix file conversion bug.
- User can define his own labels, which are saved in bsp file or exported to Gnuplot or Origin.
- Export to Gnuplot supports version Gnuplot 4.0.
Program Features (version 1.5)
Input and Output
- reads the text files of Windows and UNIX operating systems
- reads Galactic Industries's SPC data file (new version GRAMS)
- saves the spectra to text files
- exports the plot to Microcal Origin and Gnuplot file format
- exports plots to BMP and WMF files
- prints spectra on the printer
Spectrum Display
- displayes the spectrum as a plot
- supports plot zoom and spectra movement with mouse
- continuously displayes the cursor position
- measures distances in plot
- supports switchable grip and points
- adjustable colours

Using a background spectrum.
Line Identification
- searches for the line maximum, specifies the wavelength of cut-off lines
- displays the list of close lines in database with other information
- displays the closest database lines in the plot
- supports insertion of the background spectrum / background database lines

Identification of the lines
- supports corrections of the wavelengths according to the identified lines
- supports corrections of the wavelengths with a curve
- chooses the correction method according to the number of lines (shift, line and spline interpolation)
- supports corrections of intensities with a curve
- interactive mode for intensity modification

Interactive intensity modification.
- determines electronic temperature (from atoms with known A values)
- determines vibrational temperature of nitrogen, CN, NO
- determines rotational temperature of OH
- supports templates for temperature calculations
- multiple calculations of the temperature
- supports calculation of the integrated intensity

Calculation of the vibrational temperature.
- extensive database of atomic spectral lines
- database of molucular bands and lines (H2, O2, N2, OH, CO, CO2, CN, NO, NH, CH)
- database may be simply modified or extended