
Programme (pdf)
Book of Abstracts (pdf)

Friday 25 June 2021

10:00 registration
10:30 opening, KG prize ceremony Jan Paseka, Jiří Dušek, Jan Novotný
invited speaker
11:00 Matthias Baaz Kurt Gödel and Alfred Tarski: The Extremes of Logic
12:00 coffee break
12:00 contributed speakers
12:30 Marie Duží From Gödel to Henkin; Completeness vs Incompleteness
13:00 Kentarō Yamamoto The Automorphism Group of the Fraisse Limit of Finite Heyting Algebras
13:30 Adam Přenosil Universal Horn Properties of Upsets of Distributive Lattices
14:00 lunch
invited speaker
15:00 Petr Cintula Completeness and Incompleteness in Logics with Non-classical Proposition Core
contributed speakers
16:00 Igor Sedlár Reasoning About Graded While Programs
16:30 coffee break
16:45 Helena Durnová Popularising Modern Logic in 1950s Czechoslovakia
17:15 Azza Gaysin H-coloring Dichotomy in Proof Complexity
17:45 coffee break
18:00 Marta Bílková, Sabine Frittella, Ondrej Majer, Sajad Nazari Probabilistic Reasoning Based on Incomplete and Inconsistent Information
18:30 Marta Bílková, Sabine Frittella, Daniil Kozhemiachenko Two-dimensional Logics of Comparative Uncertainty
19:00 conference banquet

Saturday 26 June 2021

invited speaker
09:00 Vítězslav Švejdar From Arithmetization to Interpretability Principles
contributed speakers
10:00 Jamie Wannenburg Beth Definability in Relevance Logics with the Gödel-Dummett axiom
10:30 coffee break
invited speaker
11:00 Pavol Zlatoš     Hilbert's Program and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
contributed speakers
12:00 Stéphane Le Roux, Érik Martin-Dorel, Jan-Georg Šmaus Existence of Nash Equilibria in Preference Priority Games Proven in Isabelle
12:30 coffee break
13:00 Libor Běhounek Do These Degrees Really Go to Eleven?
13:30 Kadir Emir, David Kruml, Jan Paseka, Thomas Vetterlein Why are Models of Quantum Logic Infinite
14:00 end of conference

Last update: 25/6/2021.