Doctoral dissertation defences at the Department of Physical Electronics

  • 30 September – 1 October 2020
    11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Schedule of doctoral dissertation defence in the Plasma Physics Program, which will be held  at Faculty of Science, MUNI.

Wednesday  30. 9. 2020

11:00 Petr Jelínek - Studium atmosférických výbojů v plazmochemických aplikacích

Thrusday  1. 10. 2020

08:30 Petr Zikán - Simulace sondových měření v plazmatu

10:00 Jakub Kelar - Study of dielectric barrier discharges, their applications and fundamental properties

11:30 Petr Bílek - Towards predictive and reliable models of plasma chemical kinetics


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