Seminar ÚFKL: Lukáš Nádvorník

  • 20 October 2021
    11:15 AM
  • Seminars take place oin the hall in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics (building 9, Kotlářská 2).

Department of Condensed Matter Physics (ÚFKL) invites you to the lecture

Lukáš Nádvorník (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics):
Terahertz and optical spintronics in ferro- and antiferromagnets

After the recent progress in fields of ultrafast demagnetization [1] and intense terahertz (THz) sources [2], the THz spectroscopy has found its way to explore ultrafast spintronic phenomena. By covering energies from 0.4 to 200 meV, it complements optical pump-probe techniques by resonant probing of various excitations in solid states, such as electron scattering rate, spin-orbit interaction or antiferromagnetic resonance.

In this talk, we will show how time-resolved THz and optical spectroscopy can provide new insight into well established spintronic phenomena like anisotropic magnetoresistance [3], ultrafast demagnetization, or spin Hall and Seebeck effects [4,5], as well as the recently observed opto-electrical recording into antiferromagnetic metal CuMnAs [6].


[1] T. Seifert et al., Nature Phot. 10, 483 (2016).
[2] P. Němec et al., Nature Physics 14, 229 (2018).
[3] L. Nádvorník et al., Phys. Rev. X 11, 021030 (2021).
[4] L. Nádvorník et al., Scientific Reports 6, 22901 (2016).
[5] T. Seifert et al., Nature Communications 9, 2899 (2018).
[6] Z. Kašpar et al., Nature Nanoelectronics 10, 1038 (2020).

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