List of available external seminars and workshops for students and employees – September/October 2024
List of available external seminars and workshops for students and employees for September and October 2024.
European Green Deal is an EU plan to radically decrease carbon dioxide emissions in the near future. So the EU can be climate neutral till the year 2050. Energetics is mainly physics. And any realistic plans should be accompanied by estimated numbers. In the presented article, Assoc. In a few simple examples, Prof. Zdeněk Bochníček will assess the actual value of renewable energy sources' potential. Topics on energy accumulation, automotive, and air transportation are not omitted.
Czech only article of Assoc. Prof. Zdeněk Bochníček from the Physics Teachers' Inventions Fair is a contemplation on the changes in the structure of energy sources as the EU Green Deal plans them. Assoc. Using simple calculations and estimations, one can see that the goals of the EU Green Deal are not achievable. The effort to reach them will lead to a significant decrease in the living standards of EU citizens.
List of available external seminars and workshops for students and employees for September and October 2024.
Dr. Ganesh Nayak from Aachen, Germany, and Assoc. Prof. David Holec from Leoben, Austria, are visiting the research group Deposition of Thin Films and Nanostructures. Together with the PVDLab computational team, they are working on two projects.