Přednáška Franze X. Bronolda
27. února 2025
11:00 - posluchárna F1, budova 6, areál PřF Kotlářská 2
Ústav fyziky a technologií plazmatu vás zve na přednášku zahraničního hosta z německého Institute of Physics of the University of Greifswald:
Franz X. Bronold – Electron Microphysics at the Plasma-Solid Interface
The most fundamental response of a solid to a plasma and vice versa is electric. An electric double layer forms with a solid-based electron-rich region – the wall charge – and a plasma-based electron-depleted region – the plasma sheath. It arises because electrons, outrunning the heavy species of the plasma, are deposited more efficiently onto/inside the solid than they are extracted from it by the neutralization of ions and Auger de-excitation of radicals. In my talk, I will present results of our continuing efforts to quantify – using microscopic models from solid state physics – the elementary processes behind the buildup of the wall charge. A bat will be moreover made for studying the electron microphysics at the plasma-solid interface from a device physics point of view, using theoretical and experimental techniques of modern surface physics.
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